Store-bought ice cream is jam packed with unhealthy ingredients that can jeopardize your health. But no need to give up your craving - learn the simple art of making healthy ice cream at home.
Ice cream is one of the world’s most beloved sweet treats. The International Dairy Foods Association estimates that the average American consumes more than 23 lbs of ice cream every year. Unfortunately, ice cream also delivers plenty of harmful calories, fat, and sugar which can do a number on your waistline. Luckily, it is easy to make lightened-up versions of your favorite ice cream that are not only delicious but health-promoting as well, right in your own kitchen.
Making the perfect “nice cream”
Healthy homemade ice cream, or nice cream as it is often called, is loved for its versatility, taste, and nutrition. The unlikely star of nice cream’s most popular creations is the banana. Frozen bananas blended in a food processor or blender yield a mouthwatering treat that mirrors the airy texture of soft serve ice cream. While this alone delivers a strong banana flavor, incorporating a variety of fresh add-ins to your blended banana base will result in flavors that can closely resemble your favorite ice cream. The best part? You will satisfy your sweet tooth, get a boost in potassium, fiber, and vitamins, and steer clear of any unhealthy ingredients all at once.
Nutrition facts: nice cream vs. ice cream
How does banana nice cream compare nutritionally to regular ice cream? One serving (1/2 cup) of nice cream has 105 calories, 0.4 g of fat, 12% of your daily potassium, 3.1 g of fiber, and 14.4 g of sugar, where all sugars are those that are naturally found in bananas. To compare, a serving (1/2 a cup) of premium vanilla ice cream has 210 calories, 13 grams of total fat, and 19 grams of sugar.
Ready to get started? Making your own nice cream is fun, quick, and easy. Follow these two simple steps:
Step 1: Prep the bananas
Leave a bunch of bananas out to fully ripen and look for brown spots to let you know they have reached an intensely sweet flavor. Once ripe, peel the bananas, chop into quarters, place into a large sealable plastic bag, and freeze.
Step 2: Whip up your nice cream
Toss your frozen banana and any add-ins into a food processor or high-powered blender and blend until you achieve a soft serve texture. If needed, add milk a little at a time until the desired consistency is reached. Enjoy immediately as is or transfer to a container and freeze for 30 minutes for a firmer texture. When you are ready to add some flavor, the possibilities are truly endless. Channel your creativity by mixing in your favorite fruits, nuts, or seeds, or simply get inspired by any of your favorite ice cream flavors.

Chocolate Banana Ice Cream
3 frozen bananas
3 Tbsp of cocoa powder
1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract
A pinch salt
1/4 cup dairy-free milk (optional)
Blend all ingredients using a food processor or high-powered blender, adding in small amounts of milk if necessary, until desired consistency is reached.
Mint Chocolate Chip
3 frozen bananas
1/8 tsp pure peppermint extract
A pinch of salt
1/4 - 1/2 cup chocolate chips
Small handful of spinach (optional)
1/4 cup dairy-free milk (optional)
Blend all ingredients using a food processor or high-powered blender, adding spinach if desired for a green color. Blend in more extract for a stronger peppermint flavor, and add small amounts of milk if necessary to reach desired consistency. Stir in chocolate chips after blending.
Banana Berry
2 frozen bananas
1 cup frozen berries of choice
1/8 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup dairy-free milk (optional)
Blend all ingredients using a food processor or high-powered blender, adding in small amounts of milk if necessary, until desired consistency is reached.